Now that the 2025 TREPAC year has begun, the CCAR Government Affairs and TREPAC committees would like to invite you to their joint monthly committee meetings! These meetings typically happen on the fourth Thursday of every month from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Plano headquarters banquet room.
In these meetings, we talk about a wide array of things happening in the real estate industry on a national, state and local level. We often invite guests like local & state Representatives, Texas REALTORS® representatives, and other industry experts to share their knowledge and insights. We also like to open the discussion to the committee members to share their thoughts and issues related to the real estate industry that they feel need attention.
If real estate is your profession, politics is your business. Our motto is that real change begins at the local level because it is your local representatives who will take your feedback to the state and national levels. For more information, please contact Government Affairs Director, Jason Petrie, at jason@ccar.net.
As mentioned above, most meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month, but this month is different! We will meet on Thursday, October 31, from 3 to 5 p.m. at 6821 Coit Road, Plano. Because this meeting falls on Halloween, you are invited to come dressed in your spookiest attire!